Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 59 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – 代わりに (kawari ni)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – 代わりに (kawari ni)
Meaning: Instead of, in exchange for, to make up for
Verb-casual + 代わりに
Noun + の代わりに
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I teach tanaka chinese while he teaches me japanese.
Nihongo o oshiete kureru kawari ni, tanakasan ni chuugokugo o oshiete imasu.
You do it instead of me.
Boku no kawari ni, kimi ga shite kure.
Yamada couldn’t come today because he’s busy so i’ll teach you today.
Kyou wa youji de korarenakatta yamada sensei no kawari ni, jugyou o shimasu.
I went to the nearby hot spring instead of travelling oversea for the new year breaks.
Shougatsu wa kaigairyokou ni iku kawari ni, chikaku no onsen ni itta.
Please let me treat you to dinner as a thank-you for helping me out.
Tetsudatte moratta kawari ni bangohan o ogorasete kudasai.
I’m watching tv at home instead of going to the movies.
Eiga o mi ni iku kawari ni ie de terebi o miru.
I’m really busy now. i wonder if anyone could do it instead of me.
Ima totemo isogashikute ne. dareka kawari ni yatte kureru hito inai kana.
Rather than hire an outside manager, i decided to put my little sister, emi, in charge.
Gaibu no ningen o maneejaa toshite yatou kawari ni, imouto no ami o keiei ni ataraseru koto ni shita.
Something i never could’ve imagined happened instead: a standing ovation.
Souzou mo dekinakatta koto ga kawari ni okoromashita. sunawachi, soudachi no hakushu kassai ga okita no desu.
I’m thinking of hiring matsumoto to run this restaurant for me.
Watashi wa matsumoto o yatotte, watashi no kawari ni kono resutoran no keiei o makaseru koto o kangaete iru.
We will not build a wall. instead, we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good job can get one.
Kabe wa tsukurimasen. kawari ni, yoi shigoto o nozomu hito wa dare demo sono shigoto o erareru you na keizai o tsukurimasu.
I was a college student who understood very little about democrats, republicans, and politics in general. instead, i focused on appearance and even drew a picture after watching the candidates debate on tv.
Watashi wa daigakusei de, minshutou no koto mo kyouwatou no koto mo, seiji ippan ni tsuite mo, hotondo nanimo wakatte imasen deshita. kawari ni, chuumoku shita no wa gaiken de, daitouryou kouho touronkai o terebi de mita ato ni wa, e made egakimashita.
Using the heavy bundle as both shield and weapon, i thrust it hard into my enemy’s face.
Omoi tsutsumi o tate to buki kawari ni, teki no kao ni butsukaru hodo chikaku gui to tsukidashita.
Our speaker has fallen ill and has just informed us he will be unable to give the address. this means we are desperate for a replacement speaker.
Kouen yotei no kata ga taichou o kuzushi, tsuisaki hodo kouen ga dekinai to tsutaete irasshatta no desu. sono tame, kawari ni kouen shite kudasaru kata o kenmei ni sagashite iru tokoro desu.
Instead of ordering the city to expedite my exemption, the court told the city to reconsider my request.
Saibansho wa, sakkyuu ni hikazei no tetsudzuki o toru you shi ni meijiru kawari ni, watashi no shinsei o saikentou suru you moushiwatasu.
Shota found that his hearing was sharpened, but to his sight the things of this world seemed thin and vague.
Shouta wa chouryoku ga surudoku nari, kawari ni me ni utsuru jibutsu ga usuku bonyari to mieru koto ni ki ga tsuita.
Instead of tying a shoe, he pulled something out of his pocket and set it on the floor.
Kare wa kutsuhimo o musubu kawari ni, poketto kara nanika o toridashi, yuka ni oite ita.
It’s a twenty-four-hour flight, so i told him i’m very glad he’s going instead of me.
Hikouki de nijuuyo jikan kakaru to iu node, watashi no kawari ni itte moraete arigatai, to kare ni itta.
I hired local people to negotiate with the owners on my behalf.
Jimoto no ningen o yatotte, watashi no kawari ni shoyuusha to no koushou ni ataraseta.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 59 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – 代わりに (kawari ni)
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