Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 48 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことがある (koto ga aru)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことがある (koto ga aru)
Meaning: There are times when; (something) happens on occasions
Verb-dictionary form + ことがある
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I go to work by taxi once in a while.
Tama ni takushii de tsuukin suru koto ga aru.
I’m not a company employee so i don’t wear suits to work, but sometimes i wear them when i go to parties.
Kaishain janai node, shigoto no toki wa suutsu o kimasen ga, paatii nado ni iku toki wa, kiru koto ga arimasu.
There are times when i eat in the garden.
Niwa niwa de shokuji o suru koto ga arimasu.
Sometimes i forget people’s names.
Tama ni hito no namae o wasureru koto ga arimasu.
I usually pay with cash but sometimes i use credit cards.
Taitei genkin de haraimasu ga, tama ni kaado o tsukau koto ga arimasu.
Sometimes i make japanese dishes.
Tokidoki nihon ryouri o suru koto ga arimasu.
Sometimes i play tennis with my dad.
Tama ni chichi to issho ni tenisu o shi ni iku koto ga arimasu.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, when you are not able to control things, you end up in a better place.
Toki toshite, kouun naraba, monogoto o kontorooru dekinai baai ni, yori yoi tokoro ni tadoritsukeru koto mo aru no desu.
At times, organisms thought to be extinct are discovered living in frontier lands.
Zetsumetsu shita to omowarete ita seibutsu ga henkyouchi de hakken sareru koto ga arun desu.
Advertisement スマートフォンのゲームは非常に誘惑的で、多くの時間を無駄にすることがある。
Smartphone games can be very seductive and waste lots of time.
Sumaato fon no geemu wa hijou ni yuuwakuteki de, ooku no jikan o muda ni suru koto ga aru.
Shota isn’t really a bad guy. it’s just that he comes on too strong for some people.
Shouta wa sonna ni warui yatsu janai. tada, hito ni yotte wa, kanari gouin na taido de sessuru koto ga aru.
I wonder if i shall ever look down into that valley again.
Hatashite ano tanima o mata kou shite nagameru koto ga aru darou ka.
Besides classic, sometimes i listen to rock, too.
Kurashikku no hoka ni wa rokku o kiku koto mo aru.
I welcome visitors to the gallery. i also give talks on special exhibitions.
Watashi wa, tenjishitsu o otozureru hitobito o mukaeru no ga shigoto desu. tokubetsuten de tooku o suru koto mo arimasu.
Looking back, there were times when i felt regret and disappointed, but even during those times everybody was by my side.
Furikaette miru to chotto koukai shitari, zannen da na to omou koto mo attan desu kedo, sonna toki demo, itsumo minasan ga soba ni ite kuremashita.
Sometimes she regrets having given up her career when she got married.
Tokidoki, kanojo wa kekkon shite kyaria o akirameta koto o koukai suru koto ga aru.
I do get asked some very strange questions as well.
Totemo kimyou na shitsumon o ukeru koto mo arimasu.
Today, these railroad tracks are often empty.
Kyou, kono tetsudou senro o ressha ga hashiru koto wa amari arimasen.
It’s just sometimes, i don’t understand who i am.
Tada watashi wa tokidoki, jibun to iu ningen ga wakaranaku naru koto ga arun da.
[たことがある (ta koto ga aru): have done something before](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn-japanese-grammar- flashcard-13/)
[ことができる (koto ga dekiru): can, be able to](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n4-grammar-%e3%81%93%e3%81%a8%e3%81%8c%e3%81%a7%e3%81%8d%e3%82%8b-koto- ga-dekiru/)
[ことはない (koto wa nai): there is no need to](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%93%e3%81%a8%e3%81%af%e3%81%aa%e3%81%84-koto-wa-nai/)
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Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 48 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことがある (koto ga aru)
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