Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 43 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことに (koto ni)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことに (koto ni)
Meaning: To my…; ~ly
Verb-casual + ことに
いadj + ことに
なadj + なことに
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
Fortunately, i finally married the person i love.
Saiwai na koto ni, yatto jibun no sukina hito to kekkon dekimashita.
To my surprise, it seems that that kid has finished college course all by himself.
Odoroita koto ni, ano ko wa mou daigaku no koosu mo dokugaku de shuuryou shita sou desu.
Unfortunately, i tried my best but i failed.
Zannen na koto ni, doryoku shite ganbarimashita ga, shippai shimashita.
Sadly my friend’s mother passed away.
Fukou na koto ni yuujin no haha ga nakunatta no desu.
To our surprise, the teacher just smiled as usual.
Odoroita koto ni, sensei wa aikawarazu hohoende ita.
He saved my life once. the weird thing is, he really hates me.
Kare wa ichido watashi no inochi o sukutta. shikashi, kimyou na koto ni, kare wa watashi o kegirai shiteiru.
To my surprise, the street has changed a lot compared to 10 years ago.
Odoroita koto ni, machi no yousu ga juunen mae ni kurabe, sukkari kawatte shimatta.
Thankfully i’m not bothered about matters of honor.
Arigatai koto ni kono watashi wa meiyo no mondai nado ki ni naranai.
Fortunately, my father is incapable of thinking small.
Saiwai na koto ni, chichi wa monogoto o chiisaku kangaeru koto ga dekimasen.
Unfortunately, i don’t know anyone at microsoft.
Zannen na koto ni, maikurusofuto ni wa shiriai ga hitori mo inai.
Advertisement 有難いことに長編ドラマに連続して出演させていただいているので、いつかギネスブックに「世界で一番長いドラマに出演した俳優」として記録されたいですね。
Thankfully, i’ve been working constantly in long dramas so one day i’d like to be listed in the guinness book as “the actor who plays in the longest drama in the world”.
Arigatai koto ni chouhen dorama ni renzoku shite shutsuen sasete itadaite iru node, itsuka ginesu bukku ni sekai de ichiban nagai dorama ni shutsuen shita haiyuu toshite kiroku saretai desu ne.
Unfortunately, tonight’s events had been anything but playful.
Warui koto ni, kon’ya no dekigoto wa joudan demo nan demo nai.
This morning, i was surprised to see the blinking red light on my voice-mail display. who calls at five a.m. on a sunday?
Kesa wa, odoroita koto ni rusuban denwa no akai raito ga tenmetsu shite iru. nichiyou no asa goji ni kakete kuru nante, doko no doitsu da.
Surprisingly, the second most popular job after software engineer in the u.s. right now is college professor.
Bikkuri suru koto ni, amerika de ima, sofutoue enjinia ni tsuide, nibanme ni ninki no shokugyou wa, daigaku no sensei nan da.
To my own astonishment, i drew out the necklace from my pocket and handed it at once to him.
Watashi wa jibun demo odoroita koto ni poketto kara nekkureesu o hipparidashi, sugu ni sore o kare ni watashita.
The ceiling soared an astonishing one hundred feet overhead, supported by monolithic columns of green granite.
Midoriiro no kakougan de dekita ichimaiiwa no enchuugun ga sore o sasae, tenjou no saichoubu wa odoroku beki koto ni hyaku fiito mo no takami ni aru.
The funny thing is that even a critical story, which may be hurtful personally, can be very valuable to your business.
Okashi na koto ni, kojinteki ni wa fuyukai ni kanjiru you na hihanteki na kiji demo, bijinesu ni wa ooi ni yakudatsu koto mo aru.
To my surprise, hideki told me that the new tax law is an overall plus for me.
Igai na koto ni, zentai toshite miru to shinzeihou wa watashi ni totte purasu ni naru, to hideki wa itta.
Fortunately for me, i was drawn to business very early.
Watashi no baai wa saiwai na koto ni, goku hayai jiki kara bijinesu hi hikarete ita.
The funny thing is that the city’s desperate circumstances became my biggest weapon.
Okashi na koto ni, shi ga zaiseinan ni ochiitte iru to iu jijitsu ga, watashi no saidai no buki ni natta.
Thankfully, this particular crypt contained no bodies.
Arigatai koto ni, kono chika seidou ni itai wa nemutte inai.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 43 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことに (koto ni)
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