Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 42 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことになる (koto ni naru)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことになる (koto ni naru)
Meaning: It has been decided that…, it has been arranged so that…, it turns out
Verb-dictionary form + ことになる
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I will be moving to tokyo office soon.
Kondo, toukyou ni tenkin suru koto ni narimashita.
It’s been decided that i’ll go to america on a business trip next month.
Raigetsu shucchou de amerika e iku koto ni natta.
A meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss about the new project.
Ashita, atarashii kikaku ni tsuite no kaigi ga okonawareru koto ni natteiru.
It’s been decided that i’ll work for this company starting from next month.
Raigetsu kara kono kaisha de hataraku koto ni narimashita.
It’s been suddenly decided that i’ll return to my country.
Kyuu ni kuni e kaeru koto ni narimashita.
It’s been decided that this marathon race will be held at this stadium.
Konkai no marason wa, kochira no kyougijou kara suru koto ni natteimasu.
The graduation ceremony will be held on july 10th.
Sotsugyoushiki wa shichigatsu tooka ni okonau koto ni narimashita.
Our prime minister will visit japan next month.
Waga kuni no shushou ga raigetsu nihon o houmon suru koto ni natta.
I’ll take my friend to the airport by my car.
Tomodachi o kuruma de kuukou made okutte iku koto ni natta.
I like the unknown. i like not knowing what i’m doing next.
Boku wa, michi no mono ga suki nan desu. jibun ga tsugi ni nani o suru koto ni naru no ka shirazu ni iru no ga iin desu.
When you win a nobel, all of a sudden, you have a public platform.
Nooberushou o toru to, totsuzen, ooku no hito o mae ni butai ni tatsu koto ni narimasu.
On january 20th of 2017, the day i take the oath of office, americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the united states are enforced.
Nisen juunana nen ichigatsu hatsuka, watashi ga shuunin no sensei o okonau hi ni, amerika wa youyaku, gasshoukoku no houritsu ga shikou sareru kuni de asa o mukaeru koto ni naru no desu.
As i already announced at the tokyo event, i will hold another one on february 2, 2017.
Toukyou no ibento de happyou shimashita ga, nisen juunana nen nigatsu juushichi nichi ni futatabi ibento o okonau koto ni narimashita.
It is going to be very dangerous. most likely neither of us will come back.
Zuibun abunai me ni au koto ni naru zo. watashitachi wa futari tomo taitei modotte wa korarenai zo.
Why would you say that it would bring me into trouble?
Dou shite sore ga watashi no mi ni kiken ga oyobu koto ni naru to ossharu no desu ka.
Your mode of life as a smuggler will be the ruin of you.
Itsu made mo mitsuyu o yatte ite wa, omae wa mi o horobosu koto ni naru.
That candidate then officially becomes the party’s nominee, and will face the opposing party’s candidate in the general election in november.
Sono kouhosha ga seishiki ni tou no shimei kouho to nari, juuichi gatsu no honsenkyo de, aite no tou no kouhosha to taiketsu suru koto ni narimasu.
I wonder if you could tell us how you originally got involved with the film titanic?
Eiga taitanikku ni, somosomo dou iu ikisatsu de sanka suru koto ni natta no ka, ukagaitai no desu ga.
Many young americans will also be voting for the first time on november 8.
Amerika no ooku no wakamono mo, juuichi gatsu youka ni hajimete touhyou suru koto ni narimasu.
It turned out to be a happy marriage, one that lasted until death parted them more than fifty years later.
Futari wa sore kara gojuu nen amari, shi ga futari o wakatsu made shiawase na kekkon seikatsu o okuru koto ni natta.
I think steven and tom both got attached to the project in the same way.
Sutiibun mo tomu to onaji you na ikisatsu de kono pufojekuto ni kakawaru koto ni nattan da to omoimasu.
Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear.
Moujiki omae wa, nani yori taisetsu na mono o subete ushinau koto ni naru.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 42 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ことになる (koto ni naru)
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