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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 15 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – において/における (ni oite/ni okeru)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – において/における (ni oite/ni okeru)
Meaning: In, on, at (place); as for, regarding
Noun + において/における
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
He’s is one of the best-known life-insurance salesmen in america.
Kare wa beikoku hoken gyoukai ni okeru binwan seerusuman da.
Let’s talk a little bit about technology in sport.
Supootsu ni okeru kagaku gijutsu ni tsuite, sukoshi ohanashi ga dekitara to omoimasu.
He was one of the leading lights of his day.
Ano jidai ni oite, kare wa masashiku hitobito o michibiku hikari no hitotsu datta.
There’s an acute difference in style between these two painters.
Kono futari no gaka ni wa, sakufuu ni oite hakkiri to shita chigai ga aru.
America’s leadership in the world resembles a relay race.
Sekai ni okeru beikoku no shidouryoku wa, riree kyousou ni nite iru.
Yes, there is great injustice in the far-flung places in the world.
Sou desu, sekai ni kouhan’i ni oite ooki na fukousei ga sonzai shimasu.
He is in money and funds what napoleon was in war.
Kin’yuumen ni okeru kare no saikaku wa, gunjimen ni okeru naporeon no gotoku tensaiteki da.
He was one of the most respected and well-known scientists in modern history.
Kare wa gendai ni oite motto mo sonkei o atsume, soshite motto mo yuumei na kagakusha no hitori deshita.
In life, it’s not important how much you earn or what you earn.
Jinsei ni oite, dore dake kaseida ka, nani o te ni ireta ka wa, juuyou dewa arimasen.
Can improving gender equality at the festival coexist with the event’s glitz and glamour?
Eiga matsuri ni okeru danjo byoudou no sokushin wa, kono ibento no kirabiyaka na miryoku to kyouzon dekiru deshou ka.
My father always said that in the beginning men and women roamed the world together, equal in strength.
Chichi wa itsumo itte mashita wa, mukashi wa otoko mo onna mo chikara ni oite doutou de issho ni sekai o samayotte itan da, tte.
Contents as a concept emerged in the japanese creative industries in the 1990s.
Gainen toshite no kontentsu wa, senkyuuhyaku kyuujuu nendai no nihon no kurieetibu sangyou ni oite shutsugen shimashita.
He tells his son that in business and in life, character, personality, and human connections are more important than smarts.
Kare wa, shigoto ni oite mo, jinsei ni oite mo, kosei ya hitogara ya ningen kankei no hou ga saikaku yori mo taisetsu da to musuko ni kataru.
The result will be announced on the homepage.
Kekka wa hoomu peeji ni oite happyou saremasu.
As for me, i have no objection.
Watashi ni oite wa dou mo izon wa nai.
An international conference took place in london.
Rondon ni okeru kokusai kaigi ga okonawareta.
It is not allowed to use magic outside of school.
Gakkou no soto ni oite jumon o koushi suru koto o yurusarete orimasen.
At that time, travelling abroad was just a dream to me.
Touji ni oite wa, kaigai ryokou nado yume no you na koto datta.
A meeting was held about population problem in china.
Chuugoku ni okeru jinkou mondai ni tsuite kaigi o hirakimashita.
Regarding the present condition, of course you wouldn’t want to be expelled, would you?
Genjou ni oite, touzen, kimi wa taigaku ni naritai wake de wa nakarou.
Actually, no country is more different from china than japan in its basic mentality, its values.
Jitsu no tokoro, kihonteki na seishinsei, kachikan ni oite, nihon hodo, chuugoku to kakehanareta kuni wa arimasen.
In the play, a grown-up harry is now a husband and father and working at the ministry of magic.
Gekichuu ni oite seichou shita harii wa imaya otto de chichioya de ari mahoushou de hataraite imasu.
Ivanka got the real-life power to hire and fire when she joined the trump organization as executive vice president.
Ivankasan wa, joukyuu fukushachou toshite toranpu ooganaizeeshon ni nyuusha suru to, genjitsu no sekai ni oite mo hito o koyou shitari kaiko shitari suru kengen o te ni shimashita.
The debate as to who has ultimate authority over people is one that remains to be settled in societies all over the world even today.
Hitobito o suberu saikou ken’i o yuusuru no wa dare ka to iu no wa, kyou ni atte mo sekai kakuchi no shakai ni oite, imada kecchaku no tsuite inai rondai desu.
She may be a rising star in the business world, but boardroom etiquette may not be enough in what will surely be a brutal election.
Kanojo wa bijinesukai de wa shinshin kiei no jinbutsu kamoshiremasen ga, machigainaku shiretsu na mono to naru dearou senkyosen ni oite wa, torishimari yakukai no sahou de wa fujuubun kamoshiremasen.
Our company serves a niche in the broader market for car tires.
Wagasha wa, jidoushayou taiya no koudai na shijou ni okeru, nicchi na shijou o taishou ni shite iru.
Hashimoto had a crucial role in creating this super-strong material.
Hashimotosan wa, kono hijou ni joubu na sozai no kaihatsu ni oite, juuyou na yakuwari o ninatte ita.
What’s the most important factor in a successful business career?
Bijinesu kyaria no seikou ni oite, motto mo juuyou na youin wa nan desu ka.
Professor ishida was a paternal presence in his students’ lives.
Ishida kyouju wa, gakuseitachi no jinsei ni oite chichioya no you na sonzai datta.
Immigration remains a hot topic on the campaign trail, and with his strict policies and harsh rhetoric, donald trump has alienated many hispanic voters.
Imin wa izen toshite daitouryousen no yuuzei ni okeru chuumoku no wadai de ari, donarudo toranpushi wa kibishii seisaku ya shinratsu na monoii de, ooku no hisupanikkukei yuukensha no hanpatsu o maneite kimashita.
To me, getting to america was just surprising in all its elements.
Amerika ni itta koto wa, arayuru ten ni oite, boku ni totte wa odoroki deshita.
What would you like to achieve in your career and your life?
Anata no kyaria to jinsei ni oite, nani o nashitogetai to omotte imasu ka.
Prime minister cameron wants assurances that the goal of an “ever closer union” in europe will not apply to britain.
Kyameron shushou wa, oushuu ni okeru taezu kinmitsuka suru rengou to iu mokuhyou ga igirisu ni wa tekiyou sarenai, to suru kakuyaku o motomete imasu.
It is no secret that hillary clinton and i disagree on a number of issues.
Hirarii kurinto to watashi wa, ikutsuka no mondai ni oite iken no soui ga aru koto wa shuuchi no jijitsu desu.
[をめぐって (o megutte): concerning, in regard to](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n2-grammar-%e3%82%92%e3%82%81%e3%81%90%e3%81%a3%e3%81%a6-o-megutte/)
[にかけて (ni kakete): over a period, concerning](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8b%e3%81%91%e3%81%a6-ni-kakete/)
[について (ni tsuite): concerning, regarding](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a4%e3%81%84%e3%81%a6-ni-tsuite/)
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