Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 12 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – に対して (ni taishite)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – に対して (ni taishite)
Meaning: In regard to; in contrast to; whereas; to
Verb-casual + のに対して/のに対する
Noun + に対して/に対する
なadj + な/である + のに対して/に対する
いadj + のに対して/に対する
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
Changing jobs no longer has the stigma it once did.
Katsute atta tenshoku ni taisuru warui imeeji wa, mou nakunatta.
Business men who do not know how to fight worry die young.
Nayami ni taisuru senryaku o shiranai bijinesuman wa wakajini suru.
We need to do something about the degradation of the local water supply.
Watashitachi wa, jimoto no kyuusuigen no akka ni taishite, te o utanakereba naranai.
Human instinct is america’s first line of defense against terrorism.
Ningen no honnou wa tero ni taisuru amerika no daiichi boueisen ni natte iru.
She’s extremely careful about making new acquaintances.
Kanojo wa shotaimen no aite ni taishite wa kiwamete chuui bukaku furumau.
It is the way we react to circumstances that determines our feelings.
Watashitachi no kanjou o sayuu suru no wa, shuui no jouken ni taisuru hannou no shikata de aru.
Some answer must be had to these questions.
Kou shita shitsumon ni taishite, nanraka no kotae ga ataerareneba naranai.
This is the only possible way you can prepare for the future.
Kore koso mirai ni taishite junbi o totonoeru yuiitsu no houhou to ieru darou.
When you become successful, jealousy and envy inevitably follow.
Seikou shita ningen ni taishite wa shitto ya netami ga tsukimatou no da.
In addition to their interest in computers, they shared a passion for music.
Futari wa konpyuuta ni taisuru kyoumi no hoka, ongaku ni taisuru jounetsu mo kyoutsuu shite ita.
I tried to persuade our president that we were facing ruin.
Shachou ni taishite, kaisha ga hasan sunzen ni oikomareta koto o setsumei shiyou to shita.
There was some initial resistance to his system.
Kare ga kouan shita kono shisutemu ni taishite, sugu ni kougi no koe ga agatta.
I am happy and fairly successful now and have a lot of enthusiasm and love for life.
Ima wa koufuku desu shi, kurashi mo kanari yutaka ni nari, jinsei ni taisuru aijou to ai mo juubun arimasu.
Was it something so outdated and old and perhaps even boring? so that was my first impression of kabuki.
Sugoku jidai okure de furukusakute, omake ni taikutsu na no kamo. sore de, kore ga kabuki ni taisuru watashi no daiichi inshou deshita.
We come to maturity with as little preparation for the pressures of experience as a bookworm asked to do a ballet.
Wareware wa, baree o odotte hoshii to tanomareta dokushokyou to douyou ni, keiken to iu atsuryoku ni taishite hotondo kokoro no junbi ga totonowanai mama seijin ni tassuru.
I think the government underestimated the disquiet that many people felt over the future development of the european union.
Seifu wa, iiyuu no shourai no doukou ni taishite ooku no hito ga kanjite iru fuan o, keishi shite ita to omoun desu.
I love the queen. she is a good christian lady, dedicated to her role as queen and to her people.
Watashi wa joou ga daisuki desu. yoki kirisuto kyouto no redii desu shi, joou toshite no yakuwari to kokumin ni taishite, kenshinteki desu.
Am i advocating that we simply bow down to all the adversities that come our way? not by a long shot!
Watashi no iikata wa, yukute o saegiru fukou ni taishite kotogotoku atama o sagero to shuchou shite iru you ni kikoeru darou ka. danjite sou dewa nai.
In the ’80s, when japan was the world’s largest aid donor, there wasn’t much public support or understanding of the japanese overseas aid program.
Nachijuu nendai ni, nihon ga sekai saidai no enjokoku datta toki, nihon no kaigai enjo puroguramu ni taisuru kokumin no shien ya rikai wa amari arimasen deshita.
While my wife loves sports, i love reading books.
Tsuma ga supootsu zuki na no ni taishite, boku wa dokusho zuki da.
You can’t use that kind of tone with the customers.
Okyakusan ni taishite wa, sono you na kotoba dzukai o shite wa ikemasen.
We must show respect to our superiors.
Meue no hito ni taishite keii o shimesanakereba narimasen.
I have two things to say about that comment.
Watashi wa sono hihan ni taishite futatsu no koto o iitai.
This school has very high requirements towards its teachers.
Kono gakkou de wa kyoushi ni taisuru youkyuu ga kibishii desu.
There were a lot of questions in regard to his explanation at the meeting the other day.
Senjitsu no kaigi de wa kare no setsumei ni taishite shitsumon ga shuuchuu shita.
Tanaka is an obliging person who’s always kind to everyone.
Tanakasan wa motomoto sewazuki de, dare ni taishite mo shinsetsu da.
I think that he perceived that the public is angry at the elites, that there’s real resentment about trade and immigration.
Kare wa, taishuu ga eriito ni taishite okotte itari, boueki ya imin mondai ni hidoku hara o tatete itari suru no o kanjitottan deshou.
China is on the defensive after an international court rejects its claim over disputed territory in the south china sea.
Chuugoku wa, kokusai saibansho ga minami shina kai no keisou chiiki ni taisuru doukoku no ryouyuuken shuchou o shirizoketa koto de shusei ni tatasarete iru.
On the biggest stage of her life, she delivered a not-so-subtle jab at trump.
Jinsei saikou no harebutai de, kanojo wa toranpushi ni taishite akarasama na hihan o kuchi ni shimashita.
We are going to be considerate and compassionate to everyone.
Watashitachi wa dare ni taishite mo omoiyari o mochi, nasakebukaku aru deshou.
I wanted to find out what he could possibly want to talk with me about.
Kare ga watashi ni taishite kore kara ittai dou iu hanashi o shiyou to shite iru no ka, watashi wa sore ni kyoumi ga atta.
Our goal is to do something about the plight of poor children.
Watashitachi no mokuhyou wa, mazushii kodomotachi no kyuujou ni taishite nanika te o utsu koto da.
The school’s triangular frame can adapt to changing tides and water levels, making it better suited to survive floods and storms.
Kono gakkou no sankakukei no honegumi wa, chouryuu ya suii no henka ni taiou deki, izen no gakkou yorimo kouzui ya arashi ni taisuru taikyuusei ga koujou shite imasu.
Immigration is also a key concern – with the prime minister pushing for an “emergency brake” to limit welfare payments for newly arrived european migrants for four years.
Imin no mondai mo mata, omona ke’nen jikou desu. shushou wa, iiyuu kennai kara no aratana imin ni taisuru shakai hoshou kyuufu o nyuukokugo yo nenkan seigen suru kinkyuu bureeki o mitomeruyou, tsuyoku youkyuu shite imasu.
Backstage at her new york show, she voiced confidence in the new system.
Nyuuyooku de shoo no butaiura de, kanojo ga atarashii shisutemu ni taisuru jishin o katatte imasu.
He has a very high opinion of the browns.
Kare wa buraunke ni taishite, ookina keii o idaite iru.
While there are 15 female students in this japanese class, there are only 3 male students.
Kono nihongo no kurasu de wa joshi gakusei ga juugo ni taishite, danshi gakusei wa sannin shika imasen.
[に関して (ni kanshite): concerning, about](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8b%e3%82%93%e3%81%99%e3%82%8b-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8b%e3%82%93%e3%81%97%e3%81%a6-ni- kansuru-ni-kanshite/)
[に比べて (ni kurabete): compared to, in comparison to](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8f%e3%82%89%e3%81%b9%e3%81%a6-ni-kurabete/)
[について (ni tsuite): concerning, regarding](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%ab%e3%81%a4%e3%81%84%e3%81%a6-ni-tsuite/)
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