Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 10 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – にとって (ni totte)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – にとって (ni totte)
Meaning: To, for, concerning, as far as … is concerned
Formation: Noun + にとって
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
It’s dangerous for a tame animal to be returned to the wild.
Kainarasareta doubutsu ni totte, yasei ni modosareru koto wa kiken da.
Secession would be a very bad idea for our state.
Bunri dokuritsu wa, watashitachi no shuu ni totte wa hijou ni warui kangae darou.
A diversity of ideas is important to a good discussion.
Aidea no tayousei wa, ii giron ni totte juuyou da.
The brain of a cow is a great delicacy for some people.
Ushi no noumiso wa, ichibu no hito ni totte wa subarashii chinmi da.
That’s something that has been part of my life since i was a child.
Sore wa, watashi ni totte kodomo no koro kara jinsei no ichibu datta mono desu.
The battle of hastings was a momentous event for england.
Heisutingusu no tatakai wa, ingurando ni totte juudai na dekigoto datta.
A hearty breakfast prepares me for an active day.
Eiyou tappuri no choushoku wa, watashi ni totte katsudouteki na ichinichi no sonae ni naru.
By learning a new skill alongside new vocabulary you get a two-for-one deal.
Atarashii goi to heikou shite atarashii gijutsu o manabu koto wa, anata ni totte issekinichou desu.
It was the most lavish meal the family would ever eat together.
Ikka ni totte sonna gousei na shokuji wa saisho de saigo datta.
Working early in the morning yesterday was a refreshing change for me.
Kinou no souchou ni shigoto o shita koto wa, watashi ni totte shinsen na henka datta.
These gains are especially important to poor and moderate income families.
Kou shita ritoku wa, hinkonsou ya tei shuunyuu no kazoku ni totte wa, kiwamete ooki na imi o motsu.
I think that’s actually very difficult for native speakers of english as well.
Sore wa, jitsu wa eigo no neitibu supiikaa ni totte mo, hijou ni muzukashii koto da to omoimasu yo.
New year is the big family time for scottish families.
Sukottorando no kazoku ni totte, shinnen wa kazoku de issho ni sugosu taisetsu na hitotoki na no sa.
It was my honor to pay tribute to their courage and professionalism.
Watashi ni totte, karera no yuuki to shokugyou ishiki ni sanji o sasageru no wa meiyo na koto datta.
I’m happy to show that. i think it’s important for artists, not just for me.
Sore o yorokonde omise shimasu. watashi hitori ni totte dewa naku, aatisuto ni totte daiji na koto da to omoimasu.
Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.
Wareware ni totte taisetsu na koto wa, tooku ni bon’yari to sonzai suru mono ni me o yaru koto dewa naku, tejika ni hakkiri to sonzai suru koto o jikkou suru koto da.
She told me that she refused to worry because she knew that worry would destroy her chief asset on the motion-picture screen: her good looks.
Kanojo ga kore ijou nayamu mai to kesshin shita riyuu wa, nayami ga eiga sutaa ni totte saidai no zaisan, kao no utsukushisa o ushinawaseru koto o tsuukan shita kara de aru to katatta.
Water is essential for the human body.
Mizu wa ningen no karada ni totte hitsuyou na mono da.
Gas prices have increased. it’s a big problem to someone who drives to work every day like me.
Gasorin no nedan ga takakunatta. mainichi kuruma o unten suru watashi ni totte kore wa ookina mondai da.
To us, the most important thing nowadays is to protect the earth’s environment.
Genzai no watashitachi ni totte, motto mo juuyou na no wa, chikyuu no kankyou o mamoru koto de arou.
To all parents, their children are always the cutest.
Donna oya ni totte mo, jibun no kodomo wa ichiban kawaii mono da.
To him, that dog is like his own child.
Ano inu wa kare ni totte, kodomo no you na mono da.
I think to humans, diseases are something that unexpectedly fall upon them just like accidents.
Watashi wa, byouki wa, ningen ni totte guuzen ochikakatte kuru jiko no you na mono da to omotte iru.
To people nowadays, cellphones are a part of their lives.
Gendaijin ni totte, keitaidenwa wa seikatsu no ichibu de aru.
I think learning by heart is just a waste of time.
Watashi ni totte anki wa jikan no muda da.
This question is too difficult for me.
Kore wa watashi ni totte muzukashisugiru mondai desu.
When any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone.
Amerika de shouheki ga kuzuresaru toki ni wa kanarazu, michi wa subete no hito ni totte hirakaremasu.
Roads, power and water are important infrastructure for every city.
Douro ya denki, suidou wa, subete no toshi ni totte juuyou na infura da.
She is the only dream i ever had that lived and breathed and did not die in the face of reality.
Kanojo wa boku ni totte, iki o shite kono yo ni aru yuiitsu no yume, mugoi genjitsu o mae ni shite mo shinu koto no nakatta tatta hitotsu no yume dakara ne.
My father is quite sure that his wishes will be held sacred by me.
Chichi no ishi ga watashi ni totte wa shinsei na mono de aru koto o, chichi wa shitte iru no desu.
Annie was such an excellent and wholesome example to the young girls of the town.
Machi no wakai musumetachi ni totte, anii wa kaku tokoro no nai saikou no otehon datta.
I’m everything you most dislike and disapprove of.
Anata ni totte watashi wa, anata ga honrai dai kirai na, kesshite sansei dekinai mono no subete o daihyou suru hito da.
Transferring to a different school is a big change for a child.
Tenkou wa, kodomo ni totte ookina henka da.
Voters were given few viable alternatives.
Yuukensha ni totte wa, hoka ni genjitsuteki na sentakushi ga hobo nakatta no da.
This beautiful place is an irresistible “selfie” spot for travelers.
Kono utsukushii basho wa, ryokousha ni totte wa tamaranai jidori supotsu da.
I think tom smith became kind of a figure for him that represented a son.
Tomu sumisu wa kare ni totte, musuko kawari to mo ieru sonzai ni natta no deshou.
Maybe the most exciting flight for me was the first time i few a 747.
Tabun watashi ni totte motto mo wakuwaku shita furaito wa, hajimete nana hyaku yonjuu nana ki o tobashita toki da to omoimasu.
Voting is a hard-won privilege for many of us.
Touhyou wa watashitachi no ooku ni totte, yatto te ni ireta tokken na no desu.
It’s an absolute joy to be able to be involved with this particular iconic ferry.
Kono tokubetesu de shouchouteki na ferii ni kakawaru koto ga dekiru no wa, watashi ni totte kono uenai yorokobi desu.
He means everything to me. he’s my father, and he’s someone who i’ve always aspired to be.
Boku ni totte, chichi no sonzai wa totesumonaku ookii desu. kare wa boku no chichi de ari, tsune ni ano you ni naritai to akogarete kita jinbutsu desu.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 10 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – にとって (ni totte)
Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi các bài học ngữ pháp JLTP N3 tiếp theo tại đây: Tổng hợp các bài học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N3
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