Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 04 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – の間に (no aida ni)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – の間に (no aida ni)
Meaning: While, during (the time when)
Noun + の間(に)
Verb-casual, non-past + 間(に)
いadj + 間(に)
なadj + な間(に)
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
A cold silence hung between them.
Futari no aida ni tsumetai chinmoku ga nagareta.
Akechi lived in a dirty apartment while saving to buy this house.
Akechi wa, kono ie o kau tame no chokin o shite iru aida, kitanai apaato ni sunde ita.
The deputy director will handle my duties while i’m out of town.
Watashi ga machi o hanareru aida, fukurijichou ga watashi no shokumu o ninau.
For two weeks i lived on nothing but crackers and water.
Nishuukan no aida, kurakkaa to mizu igai wa kuchi ni shinakatta koto mo arimashita.
What do you make of the scrap of conversation you overheard between those two?
Ano futari no aida no kaiwa no danpen o, anata wa, dou omoimasu.
While waiting for us, he cut a limb off a tree and made a whistle of it.
Kare wa watashitachi no touchaku o matsu aida ni, ki no eda o kitte yobikobue o tsukutte ita.
While we were eating hideki went up to the mound and looked through the treasures.
Watashitachi ga tabete iru aida, hideki wa tsuka no ue ni nobotte takaramono o shirabeta.
His face, as i went on, expressed more concern than astonishment.
Watashi ga hanashite iru aida, kare no kao ni wa, odoroki yori mo yuuryo no iro ga ukande ita.
There’s a parity of authority among our company’s department managers.
Watashitachi no kaisha no buchoutachi no aida dewa, doutou no kengen ga sonzai suru.
We were about to part ways and yet feeling as if we had unfinished business.
Wakare no toki ga chikazuite iru no o kanjita ga, mada jibuntachi no aida ni katazuite inai mondai ga aru ki ga shita.
The software industry is going through a transformation that is unlike anything it has seen in two decade.
Sofutouea sangyou wa, kono nijuu nen no aida ni okita donna koto o mo shinogu henka o hete iru tokoro da.
While she and i chattered and laughed and cooked together, he read quietly, worked on his laptop, watched tv, or sat with us.
Kanojo to watashi ga pechakukucha to oshabettari o shite warainagara issho ni ryouri o shite iru aida, kare wa shizuka ni dokusho o shitari, nooto pasokon de shigoto o shitari, terebi o mitari, aruiwa watashitachi to issho ni suwatte itari shimashita.
An intruder entered my house when i went out.
Rusu no aida ni dorobou ga haitta.
Mom, i think someone came in the middle of the night.
Mama, yoru no aida ni dareka ga kita to omou.
I did the laundry while the kids were sleeping.
Kodomo ga neteiru aida ni sentaku o shimashita.
I wonder what happend during these past 15 years.
Kono juugo nen no aida ni nani ga atta no deshou ka.
The four of them had different points of view.
Yo’nin no aida ni iken no soui ga detekita.
He left while i was talking to my friends.
Watashi ga yuujin to hanashite iru aida ni, kare wa kaette shimatta.
Japan’s urban population has increased these past 36 years.
Nihon dewa, kako sanjuuroku nen no aida ni toshi no jinkou ga zouka shita.
While we were making the pilot episode, we all thought, “this is really good.”
Pairottoban o tsukutte iru aida, minna kore wa sugoku ii zo to omotte itan desu yo.
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
Arekore keikaku o tatete iru aida ni iron na koto ga okoru no ga jinsei da.
On the way back from the station, i mulled over what he’d said.
Watashi wa eki kara ie made kaeru aida ni, kare no itta koto ni tsuite kangaete mita.
Organizers have been hard at work for months and an army of volunteers from around the globe have created webpages, newsletters and videos in nine languages.
Jikkou iinra wa koko nankagetsu mo no aida, kenmei ni hataraite ori, sekaijuu kara yatte kita oozei no borantia ga, kokonotsu no gengo de webupeeji ya nyuusuretaa, douga o sakusei shite imasu.
He knows that sometimes during those 40 years he’s made mistakes-just like i have, just like we all do.
Kare wa, sono yonjuu nen no aida ni wa, toki ni ayamachi o okashita koto mo aru to jikaku shite imasu. watashi mo sou desu shi, watashitachi minna ga sou deshou.
She’s hard working and involved in many projects around the country, which she visits. she also goes abroad to foster good relationships with other countries.
Kanojo wa kinben de, kunijuu o otozurenagara, ooku no purojekuto ni kakawatte imasu. takoku to no aida ni yoi kankei o hagukumu tame, gaikoku e mo ikimasu.
A startled ripple went over the crowd.
Odoroita kaishuu no aida ni, zawameki ga nami no you ni hirogatta.
All sorts of things have been happening while you have been laid up.
Kimi no shiranai aida ni hito soudou attan da yo.
What sort of relationship develops between the two of them?
Kono futari no aida ni dono you na kankei ga umaremasu ka.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 04 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – の間に (no aida ni)
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