Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 104 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – たとたん (ta totan)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – たとたん (ta totan)
Meaning : Just (now, at the moment), as soon as
Formation: Verb-casual, past + とたん(に)
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
As soon as i drank the alcohol, my face turned red.
Osake o nonda totan, kao ga akaku natta.
When it got hotter, air conditioner’s sales increased.
Atsuku naru totan, kuuraa no ureyuki wa yoku natta.
As soon as the window was opened, the wind got in.
Mado o aketa totan, tsuyoi kaze ga haitte kita.
The moment he saw her, all his other worries faded away.
Kanojo o mita totan, hoka no shinpaigoto wa subete kokoro kara tobisatta.
We were ambushed the moment we departed.
Shuppatsu shita totan ni, kakomaretan da.
As soon as he left the house, he was caught by the police.
Kare wa ie o deta totan ni, keisatsu ni tsukamaerareta.
I felt dizzy as soon as i stood up.
Tachiagatta totan ni, memai ga shita.
As soon as i turned at the corner, i could hear the sound of footsteps from behind.
Kado o magatta totan, ushiro kara isogi ashi de yattekuru oto ga kikoeta.
At the touch of tom’s hand, emily began to tremble.
Tomu no te ni fureta totan, emirii wa furuedashita.
Haruki took one look at the number and immediately felt uneasy.
Sono suuretsu o hitome mita totan, haruki wa fuan ni natta.
To me, it makes sense to put money in trust for your children, so they don’t inherit millions of yens when they turn twenty-one.
Watashi wa, kodomo ga nijuu issai ni natta totan ni nan oku’en mo no isan ga korogarikomu to itta koto ga nai you, zaisan o shintaku ni suru no ga nozomashii to kangaete iru.
When shiratori’s eyes found the figure, he instantly felt a chill.
Me de sono sugata o toraeta totan, shiratori wa samuke o oboeta.
No sooner did kobayashi take over than the team of accountants started instituting new policies.
Kobayashi ga kaisha o baishuu shita totan, goukei tantoushatachi wa tsugitsugi ni atarashii houshin o uchidashita.
A shout of laughter greeted my entrance.
Boku wa haitta totan, sore o kangei suru you na ketatamashii waraigoe ga shita.
No sooner did i see that his attention was riveted on the kids, and that i might gaze without being observed, than my eyes were drawn involuntarily to his face.
Kare no chuui ga kodomotachi ni mukerare, jitto mitsumete mo kizukarenai to wakatta totan, watashi no me wa, omowazu shirazu no uchi ni, sono kao no hou e hikitsukerarete shimatta.
The soldiers appeared on the staircase, rushing upward but stopping short when they saw the old man in the darkened hallway.
Kaidan ni heishitachi ga arawareta. mouzen to ue o mezashite ita ga, rouka no kuragari ni roujin no sugata o mitometa totan, tachidomatta.
I had scarcely become aware of a cheerful mingling of voices, among which i seemed to distinguish the tones of hideo, when the door closed.
Watashi ga, nanninka no nigiyaka na hanashigoe o mimi ni shite, hideo no koe ga majitte iru you ni omotta totan, doa ga shimatta.
From the day we went public with our plans to cover the city hall’s brick facade with an entirely new glass wall, critics were furious.
Shiyakusho no rengazukuri no shoumen o, garasu no kabe de sukkari ootte shimau to iu puran o kouhyou shita totan, hyouronka ga ikari o bakuhatsu saseta.
I had hardly begun to breathe more freely again when i heard harsh and loud voices.
Youyaku mata sukoshi wa raku ni iki ga dekiru you ni natta totan, watashi no mimi ni wa araarashiku kowadaka na koe ga kikoete kita.
Saori had scarcely finished reading before the bell announced bedtime.
Saori ga yomioeta totan, shuushin jikan o shiraseru kane ga natta.
The wish to have some strength and some vigor returned to me as soon as i was among my fellow-beings.
Tairyoku ga hoshii, katsuryoku ga hoshii to iu kimochi ga, shuui ni ningen no iru tokoro e kita totan ni, watashi ni yomigaette kita.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 104 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – たとたん (ta totan)
Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi các bài học ngữ pháp JLTP N3 tiếp theo tại đây: Tổng hợp các bài học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N3
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