Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 109 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ために (tame ni) – 1
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ために (tame ni) – 1
Meaning : For, for the sake of, in order to, for the benefit of
Verb-dictionary form + ため(に)
Noun + のため(に)
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I’m learning japanese in order to read manga.
Manga o yomu tame ni, nihongo o benkyou shite iru.
I’m working hard to support my family.
Kazoku o yashinau tame ni, isshoukenmei hataraite imasu.
I’m saving money to buy a computer.
Watashi wa pasokon o kau tame ni chokin shite imasu.
I went to graduate school to study about japan’s history.
Watashi wa nihon no rekishi o kenkyuu suru tame ni, daigakuin ni hairimashita.
I go for a walk every day in order to stay healthy.
Kenkou no tame ni, asa no sanpo o nikka to shite iru.
He quit smoking for his children’s sake.
Kare wa kodomo no tame ni tabako o yamemashita.
I can die for you.
Anata no tame nara shinde mo ii wa.
An international conference is going to be held for world peace.
Sekai heiwa no tame ni, kokusai kaigi ga hirakareru.
I reduced my sleeping hours in order to study.
Benkyou to tame ni suimin jikan o kezutta.
I said that to shut him up.
Watashi wa kare o damaraseru tame ni anna koto o itta no yo.
Hashimoto returned to his hometown to care for his bedridden mother.
Hashimoto wa, netakiri no hahaoya no mendou o miru tame ni kokyou e modotta.
More and more organizations use facebook these days to promote services, so there is no clear line between personal and professional.
Saikin de wa saabisu o senden suru tame ni feisubukku o tsukau soshiki ga dondon fuete, shiseikatsu to shigoto no kyoukai ga aimai ni natte imasu.
Tonight, i will share with you my action plan for america.
Kon’ya, watashi wa, amerika no tame no koudou keikaku o minasan ni otsutae shimasu.
To die for one’s country is to live forever.
Kuni no tame ni nakunaru no wa eikyuu ni ikiru koto da.
We are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration, to stop the gangs and the violence, and to stop the drugs from pouring into our communities.
Watashitachi wa kyodai na kokkyou no kabe o kizukimasu, fuhou nyuukoku o soshi suru tame ni, gyangu ya bouryoku o kuitomeru tame ni, soshite, watashitachi no shakai ni mayaku ga ryuunyuu suru no o fusegu tame ni.
That motoki guy is inviting all the popular guys in order to have girls come over.
Motoki no yatsu, onna atsumeru tame ni ninki no aru otoko bakka yonderun da ze.
We’ll build a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our economy.
Kono kuni no keizai ni sude ni kouken shite iru nan hyaku man nin mo no imin ga, amerika kokuseki o eru tame no michi o kirihirakimasu.
We use a dedicated phone line for safe communications.
Wareware wa, tsuushin no anzen no tame ni sen’you no denwa kaisen o tsukatte iru.
I left town to avoid meeting him.
Ano hito to kao o awaseru no o sakeru tame ni, boku wa tabi ni detan desu.
Watanabe showed great devotion to helping poor people.
Watanabesan wa mazushii hitobito o tasukeru tame, tadai na kenshin o shimeshita.
I’m going to conduct an experiment to find out the truth!
Shinjitsu o mikiwameru tame no jikken o hajimerun desu yo.
Did you ever think of marrying just for the fun of it?
Kore made, tanoshimu tame ni kekkon shiyou to omotta koto wa nai no ka.
This unnatural clue might have been deliberately left to clear himself of any suspicion.
Jibun no yougi o harasu tame ni waza to fushizen na tegakari o nokoshita to iu koto mo kangaerareru.
I come here every other july for an art conference.
Kakunen shichigatsu ni bijutsu kankei no kaigi no tame ni ko no chi e kimasu.
People see that the representatives of the united russia are really doing their best for the people.
Touitsu roshia no kain giintachi ga kokumin no tame ni hontou ni saizen o tsukushite iru, to kokumin ga kangaete iru.
Many companies want to create an entrepreneurial culture in order to become globally successful.
Ooku no kaisha wa sekai de bijinesu o seikou saseru tame, kigyouka seishin afureru bunka o kouchiku shitai to kangaete imasu.
The last ten hours has been a scramble, a desperate attempt to regain control of the situation.
Kono juu jikan wa daikonran ga otozure, jitai o shuushuu suru tame ni kenmei no kokoromi ga okonawarete iru.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 109 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ために (tame ni) – 1
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