Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 99 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – といっても (to ittemo)
Trong bài sẽ có nhiều câu ví dụ cho phần ngữ pháp để bạn có thể hiểu rõ hơn và dễ dàng tiếp thu hơn. Tuy nhiên, một điều lưu ý là bài học được thiết kế dành cho các bạn có nền tảng kiến thức tiếng Anh tốt. Nếu bạn nào không tự tin, có thể sử dụng ứng dụng Google Translate để dịch thành tiếng Việt nhé!
- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – といっても (to ittemo)
Meaning : Although i say; although one might say; although called
Noun + (だ)といっても
Verb-casual + といっても
いadj + といっても
なadj + (だ)といっても
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I’m busy this week, but not as much as last week.
Konshuu wa isogashii, to itte mo senshuu hodo janai.
Although i said that i can cook, i can only make fried eggs.
Ryouri ga dekiru to itte mo, tamagoyaki gurai desu.
Although i said that i can’t drink wine, it’s not that i can’t drink it at all.
Boku wa, sake ga nomenai to itte mo, zenzen nomenai wake dewa nai.
Although i said “no” to that person many times already, he still comes to ask for a favor.
Ano hito wa, kochira ga nando dame da to itte mo, mata tanomi ni kuru.
I went on a trip last weekend, but i only went to a nearby hot spring.
Shuumatsu wa ryokou shimashita. ryokou to itte mo, chikaku no onsen ni itta dake desu ga.
Although i said that i started learning japanese, it has only been 3 months.
Nihongo no benkyou o hajimeta to itte mo, mada sankagetsu ni suginai.
Although i said that i received my part-time job salary, it’s only 30.000 yen.
Arubaito no kyuuryou o moratta to itte mo, sanman’en dake desu yo.
Although she’s an actress, she’s not famous.
Kanojo wa joyuu to itte mo, yuumei dewa arimasen.
It’s difficult because if you go on a diet by drastically cutting the amount of food you eat, you will gain even more weight when you give up dieting.
Daietto to itte mo kyokutan ni shokuji no ryou o herashitari suru to, sore o yameta toki ni kaette taijuu ga fuete shimau kara muzukashii.
We had no time to find any hiding-place better than the general darkness under the trees.
Jikan ga nakute, kakureru to itte mo, ki no shita no kuragari kurai shika mitsukaranakatta.
We’ve never had a theft. then again, this is not the kind of museum anyone would rob.
Mada ichido mo tounan ni atta koto wa arimasen. to itte mo, koko wa zoku ni nerawareru tagui no hakubutsukan ja arimasen kedo ne.
We ought to think of taking cover somewhere for the night. after all we’re only three, even if we are armed.
Watashitachi wa yoru no aida dokoka ni kakureru koto o kangaenakucha. ikura busou shiteru to itte mo, kekkyoku sannin shika inain dakara ne.
My mom was the perfect housewife. that didn’t mean she sat around talking on the phone all day.
Haha wa shufu ni tesshite ita. to itte mo, haha wa denwa de oshaberi o shite hi o sugoshite ita wake de wa nai.
The light, though no more than a grey dusk, was enough for us to see that we were deep in the valley between the mountains.
Akarui to itte mo, haiiro no usuakari ni suginai no da ga, sanmyaku to sanmyaku no aida no tanima no oku no hou de aru koto ga mite toreru kurai no akarusa wa atta.
We reposed ourselves most of the morning, and in the afternoon we went out to see tokyo tower. that is to say, we were to have done so, but at the last moment mizuki backed out.
Sono hi wa gozenchuu wa minna heya de yasumi, gogo wa toukyou tawaa o mi ni dekaketa. to itte mo, honto wa sou iu yotei datta ga iza to iu toki ni natte mizuki ga yameru to iidashita no da.
Going on is not altogether easy.
Saki ni susumu to itte mo, nakanaka dou shite yasashii koto de wa nai.
If i helped you, it must be as the blind man would help the lame.
Watashi ga chikara o kashite ageru to itte mo, moujin ga bikko no hito o tasukeru kurai no koto shika dekinai.
[となると/となれば (to naru to/tomo nareba): when, once (something happens)](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n1-grammar-%e3%81%a8%e3%82%82%e3%81%aa%e3%82%8b%e3%81%a8%e3%81%a8%e3%82%82%e3%81%aa%e3%82%8c%e3%81%b0-tomo- naru-totomo-nareba/)
[としたら/とすれば (to shitara/to sureba): if it were the case that](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%a8%e3%81%97%e3%81%9f%e3%82%89%e3%81%a8%e3%81%99%e3%82%8c%e3%81%b0-toshitaratosureba/)
[というと/といえば (toiuto/toieba): if one were to speak of… then certainly](https://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn- jlpt-n3-grammar-%e3%81%a8%e3%81%84%e3%81%86%e3%81%a8%e3%81%a8%e3%81%84%e3%81%88%e3%81%b0%e3%81%a8%e3%81%84%e3%81%a3%e3%81%9f%e3%82%89-toiuto- toieba-toittara/)
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 99 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – といっても (to ittemo)
Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi các bài học ngữ pháp JLTP N3 tiếp theo tại đây: Tổng hợp các bài học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N3
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