Các bạn học ngữ pháp JLPT N3 tiếng Nhật sẽ cần hệ thống đầy đủ và chuyên sâu kiến thức trước kỳ thi để đạt điểm cao.
Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ đi đến Bài 44 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ところが (tokoro ga)
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: Khóa học tiếng Nhật theo yêu cầu (dạy kèm tại nhà hoặc trung tâm)

1. Giải thích ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ところが (tokoro ga)
Meaning: Even so, however, even though
Expectation + ところが + result
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
Everyone thought that he’d win. however, he lost easily.
Minna kare ga katsu to omotteita. tokoro ga, kantan ni makete shimatta.
I thought yamada was younger but he’s actually 5 years older than i am.
Yamada san wa watashi yori wakai to omotteita. tokoro ga watashi yori gosai mo toshiue datta.
He’s very smart. even so, he couldn’t get into college.
Kare wa hijou ni atama ga ii. tokoro ga, daigaku ni hairenakatta.
I was planning to go to the concert last night but i couldn’t go because i felt sick.
Sakuya wa konsaato ni iku tsumori datta. tokoro ga byouki de ikenakunatta.
The weather forecast this morning said that it’d be sunny. yet, on the contrary, it’s been raining nonstop.
Kesa no tenki yohou dewa gogo kara hareru to itte ita. tokoro ga, yohou ni hanshite ame ga furitsuzuiteiru.
I’m sure i sent it by post, yet they said they haven’t received it yet.
Tashikani yuubin de okutta. tokoro ga, todoite inai to iwareta.
I have a friend whose japanese is very limited, but he’s totally accepted in japan because he managed to be accepted in the publishing community.
Watashi ni aru yuujin ga iru no desu ga, kare no nihongo wa goku kagirarete imasu. tokoro ga kare wa nihon de kanzen ni ukeirerarete imasu, to iu no mo, shuppan gyoukai ni nantoka ukeirerareta kara desu.
A few years ago, this search would have been a dead end. now, however, it seems that the quantity of searchable digital material in the world has exploded to the point where someone can find literally anything.
Suunenmae nara, konna kensaku wa sugu ni ikizumatta ni chigai nai. tokoro ga, imaya sekaichuu no kensaku kanou na dejitaru shiryou no ryou wa, masashiku nan demo mitsukaru made ni fukureagatte iru.
He’s the last man in the world you’d expect to be murdered, and murder is what it looks like.
Ano hito ga korosareru nante oyoso kangaeraremasen yo, tokoro ga sore ga tasatsu to shika omoenain desu kara ne.
But incredibly, getting the tax abatement still doesn’t convince the banks we have a viable enterprise.
Tokoro ga shinjirarenai koto ni, zei no keigen sochi o ukerareru koto ga kimatte mo nao, ginkou wa kono jigyou ga umaku iku to mitomete kurenai.
I looked for death in battle. but i have not died, and battle still goes on.
Watashi wa tatakai de shinu koto o motomemashita. tokoro ga watashi wa shinazu ni ikinokori, sentou wa ima mo tsuzuite orimasu.
I wished to discuss the case with him. but i found he was not communicative.
Watashi wa kono jiken o kare to tomo ni kentou shitakatta no de atta. tokoro ga, kare wa, ikkou ni kaihouteki de wa nakatta.
The thing seemed simple enough, but matsuda is a person who loves to make mysteries.
Koto wa makoto ni kantan, to omowareta. tokoro ga matsuda to iu otoko wa nan demo nazo mekashite kangaeru koto ga suki to mieru.
Kết thúc bài học
Như vậy, chúng ta đã kết thúc Bài 44 – Ngữ pháp JLPT N3 – ところが (tokoro ga)
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