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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 85 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – 必要がある (hitsuyou ga aru)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – 必要がある (hitsuyou ga aru)
Meaning: Need, it is necessary to
Verb-dictionary form + 必要がある
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
Why would he need to do something like that?
Nande kare ga sonna koto o suru hitsuyou ga arun da.
She needs to understand.
Kanojo ni nattoku saseru hitsugyou ga aru.
You need to regain your memory.
Kioku o torimodosu hitsuyou ga aru yo.
I’m fine. you don’t need to do anything.
Boku, daijoubu desu. nannimo suru hitsuyou ga arimasen.
We need to train our new player.
Shinjin senshu o kyouiku suru hitsuyou ga aru.
I need to know what happened.
Nani ga okotta no ka, watashi wa shiru hitsuyou ga aru.
I need to go to the library.
Toshokan ni iku hitsuyou ga arimasu.
I won’t need it anymore.
Boku niwa mou hitsuyou ga nai darou.
I don’t intend to tell naruto more than he needs to know.
Watashi wa, naruto ga shiru hitsuyou ga aru koto igai ni, kono ko ni hanashite yaru tsumori wa nai yo.
In order to make friends, you need to be who you are.
Tomodachi o tsukuru tame ni, jibun rashiku iru hitsuyou ga arun desu.
There’s not much you can do. you have to clean up yesterday’s messes.
Dekiru koto wa sahodo arimasen. kako no gotagota no atoshimatsu o suru hitsuyou wa arimasu.
Hillary clinton’s legacy does not have to be america’s legacy.
Hirarii kurinton shi no isan ga, amerika no isan ni naru hitsuyou wa nai no desu.
Advertisement ブログやウェブサイトで集客をしたりお金を稼いだりするためには、コンテンツを書いてアクセスを集める必要があります。
In order to get new customers or make money with a blog or a website, you need to write content and attract visitors.
Burogu ya webusaito de shuukyaku shitari okane o kaseidari suru tame ni wa, kontentsu o kaite akusesu o atsumeru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
Of jack’s later adventures little more need be said here.
Kono ato no jakku no bouken ni tsuite wa, kore ijou koko ni noberu hitsuyou wa nai.
I have heard something that has made me anxious and needs looking into.
Chotto kigakari na koto o kiita node, shirabete miru hitsuyou ga aru no da.
Before you govern something, you have to be able to define it.
Nanika o kanri suru ni wa, mazu sore o teigi tsukeru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
We need to help each other make changes.
Tagai ni tasukeatte kaete iku hitsuyou ga aru no desu.
Keep your shirt on! there’s no need to get so upset.
Ki o shizumete. sonna ni hara o tateru hitsuyou wa nain dakara.
Here all hesitation must be left behind.
Ima wa issai no chuucho o sutesaru hitsuyou ga aru.
The remaining collection has to be stored somewhere.
Nokori no shozouhin wa dokoka ni hokan shite oku hitsuyou ga aru.
I see no reason to discuss the subject.
Konna koto o hanashiau hitsuyou ga aru to wa omoenai kedo.
You don’t need to know the technical term for every piece of hardware on the set to be clear about how you want the story to be told.
Sutoorii o dou tsutaetai ka o setsumei suru noni, satsuei genba ni aru kizai hitotsu hitotsu no senmon yougo o shitte iru hitsuyou wa arimasen.
It seemed to me necessary to give your guests something else that would seem to explain your sudden vanishment.
Anta no okyakutachi ni wa, anta ga kyuu ni kiete nakunaru wake o setsumei suru noni, nanika betsu no zairyou o ataeru hitsuyou ga arun janai ka to na.
We need to meet again.
Mou ichido oai suru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
I must learn where we are going.
Wareware no ikisaki o shiru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
People say you need to start investing in your retirement as soon as you begin working.
Hatarakihajimetara sugu ni, intai seikatsu ni toushi o hajimeru hitsuyou ga aru tte iu ne.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – 必要がある (hitsuyou ga aru) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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