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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 64 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ないで (naide)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ないで (naide)
Meaning: Without doing…; don’t
Verb-ないform + で
The difference between ないで and なくて: なくて is usually used to explain the reason why something happens, while ないで means “without doing something”.
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I’ll study tonight without watching the tv.
Kon’ya wa terebi o minaide benkyou shimasu.
Don’t put yourself in danger.
Jibun o kiken ni sarasanaide.
I went to bed without wearing anything last night.
Kinou nanimo kinaide neta.
Don’t be stupid.
Baka na koto iwanaide.
“no,” she said without looking at me.
Iie. kanojo wa boku no kao o minaide itta.
Don’t give up yet.
Mada akiramenaide.
He went out without taking his umbrella.
Kare wa kasa o motanaide dete itta.
Are you saying we should just stand here and watch it happen without doing anything?
Koko ni tatte, nannimo shinaide miteru dake nano kai.
Say no more.
Mou, sore ijou iwanaide.
My little brother went to school without having breakfast.
Otouto wa asagohan o tabenaide, gakkou e ikimashita.
You must not bring me anything else so expensive.
Kongo wa nido to kouka na okurimono wa shinaide.
It is the only way of getting off without being followed at once.
Sore dake ga, tadachi ni tsuiseki o ukenaide dekakerareru yuiitsu no houhou da.
Stop! don’t fight over me!
Yamete. watashi no tame ni arasowanaide.
Don’t change the channel. my favorite program is coming on next.
Channeru o kaenaide. boku no suki na bangumi ga tsugi ni aru kara.
Don’t talk like that! you know you’ll pull through this.
Sonna hanashikata shinaide. anata nara kitto norikoeru wa.
If i’m retired, i’ll have a lot of free time, so i don’t want to sit at home doing nothing.
Moshi intai shitara, jiyuu na jikan ga takusan aru darou kedo, nanimo shinaide ie de jitto shite iru no wa iya nan da.
Perhaps you are thinking it won’t be too easy to get to the mountains without being caught?
Tabun anata wa, tochuu mitsukaranaide yama made deru no wa sou kantan de wa nai darou to omotteru no darou na.
Don’t move. stay in your room. i’ll send someone right away.
Douka soko o ugokanaide. heya ni ite kudasai. sugu ni hito o ikasemasu kara.
When did you first fly a small plane without anyone else in it?
Daremo doujou shinaide, hajimete kogata hikouki o soujuu shita no wa itsu.
But don’t ask me anything, okay? why that happened.
Demo nanimo kikanaide ne. doushite anna koto ni natta toka, sou iu koto o.
I hope to get across the river without their seeing us.
Watashi wa, aitsura ni mirarenaide kawa o wataritai to omotte iru no da.
We gave him the benefit of the doubt and hired him without checking his references.
Watashitachi wa, kare o shin’you shite suisenjou o minaide yatotta.
We left the village without anyone knowing.
Bokutachi wa dare ni mo kidzukarenaide mura o dete kitan da.
Never forget you’re a miracle.
Zutto wasurenaide, anata wa kiseiki da tte koto o.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ないで (naide) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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