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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 52 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – の中で (no naka de)
Đây là một trong những ngữ pháp thường xuất hiện trong các đề thi JLPT N4.
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: ĐĂNG KÝ khóa học tiếng Nhật cho trẻ em thiếu nhi tại Ngoại ngữ Tầm Nhìn Việt
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – の中で (no naka de)
Meaning: In; among
Noun + の中で
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
Tanaka is the second eldest among his siblings.
Tanaka san wa kyoudai no naka de ue kara nibanme desu.
Please push the biggest button of the three.
Mitsu no naka de ichiban ookii botan o oshite kudasai.
Someone stepped on my feet this morning on the train.
Kesa, densha no naka de ashi o fumaremashita.
I think japanese is the most difficult of all languages.
Gengo no naka de nihongo ga ichiban muzukashii to omou.
You must not have pets in your room.
Heya no naka de doubutsu o katte wa ikemasen.
The laughter was ringing in his ears.
Warai ga, kare no mimi no naka de narihibiita.
Please use the dictionary in the library.
Jisho wa toshokan no naka de tsukatte kudasai.
On the bullet train to tokyo, i gazed listlessly at the scenery outside and thought about myself—who i was.
Toukyou ni mukau shinkansen no naka de, bonyari to soto no fuukei o nagamenagara, boku wa zutto jibun to iu ningen no naritachi ni tsuite kangaete ita.
Tonight, we’ve reached a milestone in our nation’s march toward a more perfect union.
Kon’ya, watashitachi wa, wagakuni ga yori kanpeki na gasshuukoku o mezasu ayumi no naka de, hitotsu no fushime o mukaemashita.
Deep down, don’t you hate to lose?
Sukoshi wa kokoro no naka de maketakunai tte iu kimochi nai ka.
Hari is the most mature woman in the drama.
Hari wa dorama no naka de motto mo seichou suru josei desu.
Kimura sat bolt upright in bed, pain exploding in his head.
Kimura ga hajikareta you ni joutai o okosu to, atama no naka de itami ga bakuhatsu shita.
The man’s hat creates a tiny point of focus in this otherwise beige, green scene.
Dansei no boushi, hoka no subete ga beeju to midori no joukei no naka de, chiisa na shouten o keisei shite imasu.
She is still the best change maker i have ever known.
Kanojo izen toshite, watashi ga kore made shiru naka de motto mo sugureta henkaku no hito desu.
He is the closest friend i ever had.
Kare wa ore ni jinsei no naka de ichiban no shin’yuu da.
Among the 5 people i investigated, she’s the most suspicious one.
Iroiro shirabeta kedo, ano go’nin no naka de motto mo utagawashii no wa kanojo da.
This whole process is one i’ve been doing since i was little: thinking about all kinds of things in my head, letting my imagination take over.
Sou iu sagyou ni wa, boku wa mukashi kara narete irun da yo. hitori de atama no naka de iron na koto o kangaeru. souzouryoku o ugokaseru.
In side the residence, ayato was sitting at the open window of a small room looking out west on to the garden.
Yashiki no naka de wa, ayato ga, niwa ni menshita nishimuki no chiisana heya no akehanashita madobe ni suwatte imashita.
I wanted to challenge myself as an actor again, so i went for the audition. it’s a huge project, i didn’t think i would be able to play in it so when i got the part, i was so moved that i cried.
Jibun jishin no naka de mou ichido yakusha toshite chousen shitai to iu kimochi ga mebae, oodishon o ukemashita. taisaku desu shi, jibun ga shutsuen dekiru to wa omowanakatta node, kimatta toki wa kandou de naite shimaimashita.
I think among all members with strong personalities, i’m the one who’s keeping the balance.
Kosei ga tsuyoi menbaatachi no naka de, boku wa chuushin o kiipu shite baransu o toru yakuwari da to omotte imasu.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – の中で (no naka de) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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