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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 50 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – のに (noni) – 2
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: ĐĂNG KÝ khóa học tiếng Nhật cho trẻ em thiếu nhi tại Ngoại ngữ Tầm Nhìn Việt
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – のに (noni) – 2
Meaning: Although; in spite of; even though
Verb-casual + のに
Noun + なのに
いadj + のに
なadj + なのに
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I’ve looked everywhere but i can’t find it.
Iroiro sagashita noni mitsukaranain desu.
All those times i came round to your house… why didn’t you say anything?
Zutto anata no ie ni itteta noni doushite nani mo itte kurenakatta no.
I put in a lot of sugar but it still isn’t sugary.
Takusan satou o ireta noni, mada amaku arimasen.
He was supposed to be on duty until midnight, how could he have left?
Aitsu, yonaka made no ninmu no hazu datta noni nande icchimattan dai.
Even though tanaka is sick, he’s still working.
Tanaka san wa byouki na noni, shigoto o shite imasu.
Though still quite young, he looked rather ill.
Mada sore hodo no toshi dewanai noni, kare wa sukoshi byouki no you na kao o shite ita.
That little girl is small but fast.
Ano onna no ko wa karada ga chiisai noni, hayai wa ne.
Miura has a cold, yet he’s swimming in the swimming pool.
Miura san wa kaze o hiite iru noni, puuru de oyoide imasu.
I was only joking…
Joudan no tsumori datta noni.
The test is coming, yet yamamono is not studying at all.
Yamamoto san wa shiken ga chikai noni, mada zenzen benkyou shite imasen.
Winter is coming and there is no food.
Fuyu ga chikadzuite iru noni, shokuryou ga nai.
I only wish i had a home to offer you shelter in.
Watashi ga shotai o motte ireba, anata ni mi o yosete moraeru noni.
Nobody has ever yelled at me before in my whole life.
Umarete kara dareka ni donarareta koto nante ichido mo nai noni.
I woke up this morning anticipating a quiet sunday at home, and now i’m at work.
Kesa okita toki wa wagaya de shizuka na nichiyoubi o sugosu tsumori datta noni, ima wa kaisha ni iru.
I have done my best in a short time to make it look like home. after all i only got here with the last cart-load yesterday.
Ie rashii kanji o dasou to, jikan mo nai noni ganbattan desu yo. datte, boku ga saigo no nimotsu o hakonde koko ni tsuita no ga kinou nan desu kara ne.
You came to me, hoping i could help you. i’m sorry, but i can’t.
Anata wa boku no tasuke o ate ni shite koko ni kita to iu noni. moushiwake nai ga, tasuke ni wa narenai yo.
Although i support the unification of ireland, i shudder that the idea of a united ireland might be pursued so soon after the guns have been put away on this issue.
Airurando no touitsu wa shiji shimasu ga, busou kaijo kara mada mamonai noni, airurando no touitsu ga oshisusumerareru, to iu kangae ni wa miburui ga shimasu.
I thought you were staying on for at least a week. i was looking forward to your help.
Watashi wa mata, sukunakutomo isshuukan wa ite kudasaru to omottetan desu. anata kara iroiro tasukete itadakou to ate ni shite imashita noni.
I always thought of myself as a humanities person as a kid, but i ended up liking electronics.
Watashi wa kodomo no koro, jibun wa bunkei da to omotte ita noni, erekutoronikusu ga suki ni natte shimatta.
Even in my semiconscious state, my lifelong fear of cramped spaces was alive and well.
Kore hodo ishiki ga kondaku shite iru noni, naganen kakaete kita heisho e no kyoufushin wa shibutoku nokotte ita.
You pretend not to know the secrets that have been entrusted to you?
Himitsu o takusareta noni, shiranu kao o yosoou no ka.
The handle just came off. i didn’t even touch it.
Totte ga hazurete shimatta, sawari mo shinakatta noni.
I wish you were not going into the forest.
Konna mori ni haitte ikanakya ii noni.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – のに (noni) – 2 một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi các bài học ngữ pháp JLTP N4 tiếp theo tại đây: Tổng hợp các bài học ngữ pháp JLPT N4
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