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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 20 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – たり~たり (tari~tari)
Đây là một trong những ngữ pháp thường xuất hiện trong các đề thi JLPT N4.
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- Có thể bạn quan tâm: ĐĂNG KÝ khóa học tiếng Nhật cho trẻ em thiếu nhi tại Ngoại ngữ Tầm Nhìn Việt
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – たり~たり (tari~tari)
Meaning: Do such things like
Verb-casual, past + り ~ verb-casual, past + り + する
Noun + だったり ~ Noun + だったり
いadj(-い) + かったり ~ いadj(-い) + かったり
なadj + だったり ~ なadj + だったり
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I plan to read books and exercise during the winter vacation.
Fuyuyasumi wa hon o yondari, undou shitari suru tsumori desu.
I always do things like watching tv or sleeping at home during weekends.
Shuumatsu wa itsumo ie de terebi o mitari, netari shimasu.
If the weather’s nice, we can swim or catch fishes.
Tenki ga yokereba, oyoidari, sakana o tsuttari suru koto ga dekiru.
We are closed on saturdays and sundays.
Yasumi no hi wa doyoubi dattari, nichiyoubi dattari desu.
He’s walking back and forth, it looks like he’s waiting for someone.
Kare wa onaji basho o ittari kitari shite, dareka o matte iru you desu.
I sang and danced in front of everyone yesterday.
Kinou minna no mae de utattari odottari shimashita.
Please don’t stop moving or sit down after running.
Hashitta ato de sugu ni tomattari suwattari shinaide kudasai.
I read books and study at the library.
Toshokan de hon o yondari benkyou shitari shimasu.
I was no longer the kind of sickly kid who got a fever at the drop of a hat and took to his bed.
Watashi wa mou izen no you ni sugu ni netsu o dashitari, nekondari suru kodomo dewa nakunatte ita.
I loved the process of starting from scratch, creating something, seeing it through till it was absolutely perfect.
Watashi wa zero kara nanika o tsukuriagetari, sono tsukuriageta mono o jikan o kakete teinei ni kairyou shitari suru sagyou o aishita.
To be honest, i was too careful and too much of a coward when i was in my early 20s.
Jitsu wa nijuudai joban wa, shinchou sugitari, okubyou dattari shita men ga arimashita.
I don’t want to make money from the enforced labor and misery of others.
Hito ni roudou o shiitari fukou na me ni awasetari, sonna okanemouke wa shitakunai.
Bringing in new ideas and discussing fresh ideas is, i believe, very very good for an organization.
Atarashii kangaekata o toriiretari, shinsen na kangaekata o giron shitari suru koto wa, soshiki ni totte hijou ni, totemo yoi koto da to watashi wa kangaete imasu.
I use my smartphone to check messages or emails, look at clothes of my favorite brand, and play games.
Sumaho de messeeji ya meeru o chekku shitari, suki na burando no fuku o mitari, geemu mo shimasu.
I enjoy running and swimming but not competitive sports.
Hashittari oyoidari suru koto o tanoshinde iru ga, kyougi supootsu wa tanoshii to omotte inai.
Right after “iris,” i wanted to work in another project but i already had a very tight schedule. taking part in a japanese movie, releasing a solo album, touring korea and japan, etc.
Airisu no ato, sugu ni betsu no sakuhin ni mo shutsuen shitakatta no desu ga, sude ni kimatte ita sukejuuru ga ookute. nihon eiga ni shutsuen shitari, soro arubamu o ririisu shitari, kankoku to nihon de tsuaa o ittari.
I’m really not a romantic man. it’s my fans who do romantic things. they write me letters, make me food, give me flowers…
Boku wa hontou ni romanchikku na otoko janai desu. romanchikku na koto o shita aite to ieba fan no minasan desu. tegami kaitari, shokuji o shitari, bara no hanataba o watashitari.
Who on earth was more challenging or harder to play?
Ittai, dochira o enjiru hou ga, muzukashikattari, taihen dattari shita no kashira.
It was fun eating and chatting with my friends.
Tomodachi to issho ni gohan o tabetari hanashitari suru no ga tanoshikatta desu.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – たり~たり (tari~tari) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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