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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 15 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ていく (te iku)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ていく (te iku)
Meaning: To go on, to continue, to start
Verb-てform + いく
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
The plane flew away.
Hikouki ga tonde ikimashita.
I think i’ll continue to try my best from now on.
Kore kara mo ganbatte ikitai to omoimasu.
Trying to pull himself together, he let himself into the house.
Kare wa ki o shan to torinaoshi, ie ni haitte itta.
Everyone went home after the trip was over.
Ensoku ga owatte, minna kaette itta.
She walked towards the entranceway.
Kanojo wa genkan eto aruite itta.
Even after i graduate from japanese language school, i intend to continue learning japanese.
Nihongo gakkou o sotsugyou shitemo, nihongo no benkyou o tsuzukete iku tsumori da.
The boat is drifting far away.
Fune ga dondon tooku e hanarete iku.
I’ll continue working after getting married.
Kekkon shite kara mo shigoto o tsuzukete iku tsumori desu.
The car disappeared into the night.
Kuruma wa yoru no yami eto kiete itta.
The magazine comes out today so i’ll go to the bookstore to read it.
Kyou wa zasshi ga deru hi dakara, hon’ya de chotto mite iku.
The garden became darker still.
Niwa wa masumasu kuraku natte itta.
Time grows short, she whispered. seek and find.
Toki ga tsukite ikimasu, to kanojo ga sasayaku. sagashite, mitsukenasai.
Even more important than the history we make tonight is the history we will write together in the years ahead.
Kon’ya watashitachi ga kizuku rekishi yorimo sara ni juuyou na no wa, kore kara watashitachi ga issho ni tsukutte iku rekishi desu.
They pushed back the table, and drew chairs round the fire.
Karera wa teeburu o moto ni modoshite, danro no mawari ni isu o hippatte ikimashita.
In the darkness, takuya felt the drugs washing through his system almost instantly.
Kurayami no naka de, takuya wa matatakuma ni kusuri ga karada no sumizumi e nagarete iku no o kanjita.
Outside, ghostly tombstones rush by in the darkness.
Soto no yami no naka o kage no you ni hakaishi ga nagare satte iku.
He was rushing to the bridge over there.
Kare wa awatete, sono hashi no hou ni hashitte ikimashita.
He apologized again and left by another door.
Kare wa mou ichido wabi o nobete, betsu no doa kara dete itta.
Taking the policeman by the hand he drew him towards the bench.
Kare wa keikan no ude o tsukande, benchi no hou e hippatte itta.
“follow me,” akemi commanded. she grabbed my arm and pulled me across the room.
Tsuite kite, akemi wa shiji shita. sore kara boku no ude o otte, heya no hantaigawa e hippatte itta.
All the time i was growing up, i think i also imagined what japanese society was like, what japan was like.
Otona ni natte iku katei de, itsumo, nihon shakai ga donna mono de aru no ka, nihon to wa donna kuni ka, souzou o fukuramasete mo ita to omoimasu.
As we leave the european union, we will forge a bold new positive role for ourselves in the world, and we will make britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for every one of us.
Oushuu rengou o ridatsu suru toki, watashitachi wa sekai ni ite, igirisu no tame ni daitan de atarashii yakuwari o uchitatete iku no desu. soshite igirisu o, megumareta goku ichibu no hitobito ni de wa naku, subete no hito ni ekisuru kuni ni shite iku no desu.
He passed out into the sunshine and disappeared into the long grasses.
Kare wa hi no ataru tokoro ni dete iki, take no takai kusa no naka ni sugata o kieta.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – ていく (te iku) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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