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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 8 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – てくる (te kuru)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – てくる (te kuru)
Meaning: To come to, to become, to continue, to do… and come back
Verb-てform + くる
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
He brought presents.
Kare wa omiyage o motte kimashita.
The window lights grew slowly larger.
Mado no akari ga jojo ni ookiku natte kita.
He crawled back onto the bed.
Kare wa beddo no ue ni haimodotte kita.
This tradition has continued for hundreds of years.
Kono dentou wa hyakunen mo tsuzuite kita.
I’ll go and mail this letter.
Chotto tegami o dashite kimasu.
The ball fell on the floor again.
Booru wa mata yuka ni ochite kita.
She entered the kitchen.
Kanojo ga kicchin ni haitte kita.
Footsteps echoed from within the house.
Ie no naka kara ashioto ga hibiite kita.
A typhoon is coming.
Taifuu ga chikazuite kimasu.
One third of the imports into this country are products of american companies made abroad.
Kono kuni ni haitte kuru yunyuuhin no sanbun no ichi wa, amerika kigyou ga kaigai de tsukutta seihin desu.
My opponent has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class.
Watashi no tairitsu kouho wa, wagakuni no chuuryuusou o hakai shite kita hobo subete no tsuushou kyoutei o shiji shite kimashita.
Voices approached in the hall, and miura turned his gaze back toward the room.
Ikutsuka no koe ga rouka o chikadzuite kite, miura wa shitsunai e me o modoshita.
Even the deafest and most stay-at-home began to hear strange tales.
Donna ni mimi no tooi mono ni mo gaishutsu girai ni mo, okashi na uwasa ga kikoete kuru you ni narimashita.
We’ve hated him so much and showed it so plainly.
Watashitachi wa ano otoko o hidoku kirai, sore o rokotsu ni arawashite kimashita.
She has been caricatured by the right and by some on the left.
Kanojo wa uha kara mo, ichibu no saha kara mo, fuushiteki ni egakarete kimashita.
I have lived a long, full, blessed life.
Watashi wa nagai, juujitsu shita, megumareta jinsei o ikite kimashita.
The sky was clear and the stars were growing bright.
Sora wa harewatari, hoshi wa kagayaki o mashite kimashita.
My aunt knocked on the door, and my uncle opened it. a friendly light streamed out.
Oba ga genkan no to o tataku to, oji ga akete kureta. kokoro atatamaru touka no hikari ga nagaredete kita.
My luck has finally turned around.
Yatto ore ni mo un ga mawatte kita.
I’m thirsty so i’ll go buy something to drink.
Nodo ga kawaita kara nomimono o katte kuru.
My big sister will finish her studying in england and return home soon.
Ane wa mou sugu igirisu kara ryuugaku o oete kaette kuru no yo.
I’m going out for a while. if anyone comes, just send them away appropriately.
Ore chotto dekakete kuru kara, dareka kitara tekitou ni oikaeshite yo.
He returned at night weary, and ate his dinner without uttering a word.
Yuugata, tsukarete kaette kite, kare wa damatte yuushoku o tabeta.
Finally the car’s headlights came on and it moved lazily toward us.
Tsui ni heddoraito ga tomori, kuruma ga noronoro to mukatte kita.
She brought her two daughters to the united states on a tourist visa to escape an abusive and alcoholic husband.
Kanojo wa, kankou biza de futari no musume o beikoku ni tsurete kimashita. bouryoku o furuu arukooru izonshou no otto kara nogareru tame deshita.
About 600,000 people have already registered, but we expect many more to show up in krakow at the last minute.
Sude ni rokujuu mannin hodo ga touroku shite imasu ga, chokumen ni natte motto ooku no hito ga kurakufu ni yatte kuru deshou.
Today, the number of mexicans leaving the united states is higher than the number of those migrating here.
Genzai wa, amerika o dete iku mekishikojin no kazu ga, ijuu shite kuru ninzuu o uwamawatte imasu.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – てくる (te kuru) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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