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Hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ học: Bài 100 – Ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – とか~とか (toka~toka)
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1. Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – とか~とか (toka~toka)
Meaning: Among other things; such as
Verb-dictionary form + とか + Verb dictionary form + とか
Noun + とか + Noun + とか
2. Các câu ví dụ thông dụng nhất
I’m very busy with meetings and work every day.
Mainichi, shigoto toka, kaigi toka de totemo isogashii.
You can learn thai and other east asian languages at this university.
Kono daigaku dewa, taigo toka higashi ajia no iroiro na kotoba ga benkyou dekimasu.
So, for the 10 days we’re gonna spend the first 6 days on the tour. then after that, the rest of the four days or five days, we’re gonna be on our own.
Sore de, tookakan no uchi, saisho no muikakan wa tsuaa ni sanka suru. sonogo, nokori no yokkakan toka itsukakan wa, jibuntachi de ugokun da.
Most of the people in the neighborhood did really neat stuff, like photovoltaics and batteries and radar. i grew up in awe of that stuff and asking people about it.
Ano atari ni wa, taiyou denchi toka batterii toka reedaa toka, kakko ii shigoto o shite iru hito ga takusan itan da. sou iu no tte sugoi na to omoi, iroiro shitsumon shinagara watashi wa ookiku natta.
I tried hard to make a good enough album, so it took longer than expected. lyrics, editing, i spent a lot of time on every detail.
Sukoshi demo ii arubamu o tsukuru tame ni doryoku shita shi, sono seide omotte ita ijou ni jikan mo kakacchaimashita. kashi toka henshuu sagyou toka, tonikaku hitotsu hitotsu ni sugoku jikan o kakemashita ne.
There’s some notion that because i was abandoned, i worked very hard so i could do well and make my parents wish they had me back, or some such nonsense, but that’s ridiculous.
Watashi wa suterareta kara, kaette kite hoshii to ryoushin ni omotte moraeru you ni isshou kenmei hataraki, seikou shiyou to shita toka nan toka kudaranai koto o iu hito ga iru ga, sonna koto wa nai.
Advertisement あの家で何かなくなったものでもありますか、銀製品とか宝石とかいったものなど?
Was anything missing from the house—silver, jewelry, anything like that?
Ano ie de nanika naku natta mono demo arimasu ka, ginseihin toka houseki toka itta mono nado.
Every weekend, there would be a junkyard trip. we’d be looking for a generator, a carburetor, all sorts of components.
Shuumatsu goto ni jankuyaado ni itta yo. hatsudenki toka kyaburetaa toka, iron na buhin o sagashi ni ne.
She looked up, while i still gazed at her: no start, no increase or failure of color betrayed emotion, consciousness of guilt, or fear of detection.
Watashi ga jitto mitsumete iru to, kanojo wa kao o ageta. gikuri toshita fuu mo nai. kaoiro ga akaku naru koto mo, aoku naru koto mo nai. koufun shite iru toka, tsumi o ishiki shite iru toka, hakkaku o osorete iru toka itta tokoro wa, marude mirarenai no da.
All through my life, culturally reinforced signals cautioned me against being branded as too smart or too successful.
Atama ga ii toka seiseki ga ii toka mirareru no wa son da to kizukasareru you na dekigoto ni, chiisai koro kara souguu shite kita.
Who do you think she means by ‘someone,’ and ‘he’?
Aru hito toka kare toka tte iu no wa dare o imi shiteru to omoun dai, kimi wa.
I was interested in math and science and electronics.
Watashi wa suugaku toka kagaku toka erekutoronikusu toka ni kyoumi ga atta.
Left and right are always puzzling.
Migi toka hidari toka tte iu no wa yoku wakaranaku naru mon desu yo.
I’m scared of ghosts and monsters…
Watashi wa obake toka kaibutsu tte nigate nan da mon.
Như vậy chúng ta đã kết thúc bài học hôm nay rồi.
Mình hy vọng bài học này sẽ giúp bạn học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật JLPT N4 – とか~とか (toka~toka) một cách nhanh chóng và sử dụng thành thạo.
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